Brum Brum Kids Bike

For all those bike riders out there looking for a slick little bike for their kids, here you go! The design of the frame of the Brum Brum ($330) balance bike is not only original, but also serves an important function – it has outstanding natural suspension properties and allows the little biker to go over potholes with ease.

The balance bike is suitable for children between the ages of 2 and 6. As soon as the little rider can sit on the bike and reach the ground with their feet, the adventure can begin.

The bikes height may be adjusted by 13 to 15 inches in the front and as well as the back.

Source: BrumBrum 

3 Comments | Post A Comment

  1. balance bikes are great gift for children, they will learn quickly while riding on it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love these bikes & my kiddos would love to have one at home to use not just school!

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